
Hi, I'm Katie.

This is a food-friendly place. It's not focused on diet food, or easy recipes. It's for food lovers who want to try new things and take risks in the kitchen. Because really, if you can't be adventurous in your own home, where can you be?

My husband Justin and I began a true appreciation for food when we studied abroad in Rome when we were in college — the rooftop of our school in Italy is where the cover photo comes from. The Italians have a saying, "buono come il pane," literally meaning "as good as bread" but translating to "as good as it gets." That's how I feel about my life — it's as good as it gets.

Food should be fun. It should be tasty. It should fill not only your stomach but your soul, and is an excellent way to show someone you love them.

Also, this is my dog, Darla. She likes to help me cook.

My name is Katie and I'm a novice cook. I'd like to say expert, but I haven't yet learned how to poke a chicken breast and determine it's done. Justin can, though, so I'm covered.

Welcome to my blog!

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